Tamil Kudimagan is an thrilling Drama movie directed by Esakki Karvannan. Esakki Karvannan penned the screenplay, and the film was dropped at life by producers Esakki Hari Ramakrishnan, and Esakki Karvannan, in collaboration with Lakshmi Creations. This gripping movie hit theaters on 7 September 2023, with a runtime of 2 hours and three minutes.
Tamil Kudimagan Film Overview
Film Identify | Tamil Kudimagan |
Unique Language | Tamil |
Spoken Language | Tamil |
Launch Date | 7 September 2023 |
Runtime | 2 hours and three minutes |
Nation | India |
Genres | Drama |
Author | Esakki Karvannan |
Director | Esakki Karvannan |
Producer | Esakki Hari Ramakrishnan, and Esakki Karvannan |
Editor | Karthik Ram |
Music | Sam C S |
Cinematography | Rajesh Yadav |
Screenplay | Esakki Hari Ramakrishnan, and Esakki Karvannan |
Manufacturing Co. | Lakshmi Creations |
Tamil Kudimagan Film Solid
Actor Identify | Character Identify |
Cheran | Chinnasamy |
Sri Priyanka | |
Lal | Sudalaiyandi |
Aruldoss | Esakki |
Vela Ramamoorthy | Gandhi |
Dhruva | |
Deepshikha | Valli |
Ravi Mariya | |
Mayilsamy | |
Sentrayan |
Tamil Kudimagan Film Story
Unique Story: Regardless of being at a decent job of Village Administrative Officer (VAO), Chinnasamy, an enterprising teenager from an oppressed class has nonetheless been referred to as by the higher caste folks to carry out the demise rituals. Nonetheless, the issue arises when he refrains to carry out the final rites for a village elder.
Watch the Tamil Kudimagan Film Trailer
Tamil Kudimagan Film Screenshots
Tamil Kudimagan Film Score
Tamil Kudimagan Film, helmed by director Esakki Karvannan and backed by producers Esakki Hari Ramakrishnan, and Esakki Karvannan in India underneath Lakshmi Creations Productions, has earned a ranking of 5.6 out of 10 from 259 votes. This Drama flick is making a mark within the cinematic panorama.
Tamil Kudimagan Film Evaluate
Tamil Kudimagan is an enthralling film that falls into the thrilling style of Drama. Directed by Esakki Karvannan and produced by Esakki Hari Ramakrishnan, and Esakki Karvannan underneath the banners of Lakshmi Creations Productions.
Set in India, primarily in Tamil, Tamil Kudimagan Film delves into the intricacies of life, love, and surprising turns that may alter the whole lot. The movie takes you on an emotional roller-coaster, evoking laughter, tears, and contemplation concerning the complexities of human relationships.
In abstract, Tamil Kudimagan Film is a must-watch for individuals who admire thought-provoking Drama movies. It fantastically captures the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of affection. With its compelling storyline, excellent performances, and spectacular manufacturing, this movie stands out as a real cinematic gem.
FAQs about Tamil Kudimagan Film
Q: Who directed the Tamil Kudimagan film?
Ans: Esakki Karvannan directed the Tamil Kudimagan film.
Q: What style does the Tamil Kudimagan film belong to?
Ans: Tamil Kudimagan film falls into the style of Drama.
Q: When was the Tamil Kudimagan film launched?
Ans: Tamil Kudimagan film was launched on 7 September 2023.
Q: How lengthy is the period of the Tamil Kudimagan film?
Ans: Tamil Kudimagan film has a operating time of two hours and three minutes.
Q: Who’s the author of Tamil Kudimagan film?
Ans: Tamil Kudimagan film is written by Esakki Karvannan.