Uppena is an thrilling Drama movie directed by Buchi Babu Sana. Buchi Babu Sana penned the screenplay, and the film was dropped at life by producers Y. Ravi Shankar, Naveen Yerneni, and Mohan Cherukuri, in collaboration with Mythri Film Makers. This gripping movie hit theaters on 12 February 2021, with a runtime of 2 hours and 27 minutes.
Uppena Film Overview
Film Identify | Uppena |
Unique Language | Telugu |
Spoken Language | Telugu |
Launch Date | 12 February 2021 |
Runtime | 2 hours and 27 minutes |
Nation | India |
Genres | Drama |
Author | Buchi Babu Sana |
Director | Buchi Babu Sana |
Producer | Y. Ravi Shankar, Naveen Yerneni, and Mohan Cherukuri |
Editor | Naveen Nooli |
Music | Devi Sri Prasad |
Cinematography | Shamdat Sainudeen |
Screenplay | Buchi Babu Sana |
Manufacturing Co. | Mythri Film Makers |
Uppena Film Forged
Actor Identify | Character Identify |
Panja Vaisshnav Tej | Aasi |
Krithi Shetty | Sangeetha |
Vijay Sethupathi | Rayanam |
Gayatri Jayaraman | Rayanam’s Spouse |
Rajsekhar Aningi | Bus Driver |
Rajiv Kanakala | MRO |
Sai Chand | Jalayya |
Mamilla Shailaja Priya | Rayanam’s sister |
Pithamagan Mahadevan | Rayanam’s father |
Ravi Varma | Rayanam’s henchman |
Kancharapalem Raju |
Uppena Film Story
Unique Story: Aasi has been in love with Bebamma since their childhood. However it’s greater than her father Rayanam that threatens to kind a chasm between the lovers.
Uppena Film Ranking
Uppena Film, helmed by director Buchi Babu Sana and backed by producers Y. Ravi Shankar, Naveen Yerneni, and Mohan Cherukuri in India below Mythri Film Makers Productions, has earned a ranking of 5.8 out of 10 from 15 votes. This Drama flick is making a mark within the cinematic panorama.
Uppena Film Evaluate
Uppena is an enthralling film that falls into the thrilling style of Drama. Directed by Buchi Babu Sana and produced by Y. Ravi Shankar, Naveen Yerneni, and Mohan Cherukuri below the banners of Mythri Film Makers Productions.
Set in India, primarily in Telugu, Uppena Film delves into the intricacies of life, love, and surprising turns that may alter every part. The movie takes you on an emotional roller-coaster, evoking laughter, tears, and contemplation in regards to the complexities of human relationships.
In abstract, Uppena Film is a must-watch for many who recognize thought-provoking Drama movies. It superbly captures the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring energy of affection. With its compelling storyline, excellent performances, and spectacular manufacturing, this movie stands out as a real cinematic gem.
FAQs about Uppena Film
Q: Who directed the Uppena film?
Ans: Buchi Babu Sana directed the Uppena film.
Q: What style does the Uppena film belong to?
Ans: Uppena film falls into the style of Drama.
Q: When was the Uppena film launched?
Ans: Uppena film was launched on 12 February 2021.
Q: How lengthy is the length of the Uppena film?
Ans: Uppena film has a operating time of two hours and 27 minutes.
Q: Who’s the author of Uppena film?
Ans: Uppena film is written by Buchi Babu Sana.